Tuesday, September 20, 2011


안녕하 세요 ^^
first of all i'm just have a time to fill this new blog.
i have a news about South Korea that is There will be a Korean Festival that will be held from 28 Sept-3 Oct 2011!! have you hear that? yet there is other surprise! for ELF be happy for this event because Kangin (Youngwoon-Kim) will attend in this event!! yet not only Kangin but HyunBin Oppa will attend too! ^^ *drooling* the news isnt over yet! Hangeng also will come to Jakarta and Surabaya in order to promote his new movie, tomorrow he will appear in Dahsyat RCTI start from 9-11 AM (Indonesia time) (22 Sept '11), badly i can't watch him directly even indirectly! cause i have to go to college T-T 
But still cant confirm if Kangin will be attend properly. Wish he will come to Jakarta! T_T Just pray! kkk you can open this site but this site is in hangul, just using google translate okay? http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=104&oid=003&aid=0004088016